Worldwide Agencies of
ATD-Abbausysteme GmbH
In cooperation with our partners, we're able to support our customers in more than 60 countries around the world with our ATD-PressureGasSystem CARDOX.
If you're interested or need a service about our ATD-CARDOX-System, please ccontact us or directly the partner in your area.
Mr. Tom Spaits
3315 Business Circle; North Charleston, SC 29418, USA
Absafe Pty Ltd----------------------
Mr. Andy Caddy
106 Gipps Street; Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia
Densit do Brasil Ltda.
Mr. Tiago Couto
Rua João Carlos Nougues, 97; Jardim do Lago, Brasil
P.A. Technologies
Mr. Baptiste Brunel
8, rue Maud Fontenoy 57140 Norroy-Le-Veneur, Frankreich
GREENtech Sardinia
Mr. André Ohm
Via Giosué Carducci 1; Padru 07020 - Sardinia, Italia
Chemstar Corporation
Mr. Tariq Subhan
61/1, 2nd Street, Khayaban-e-Momin Phase 5; Karachi-75500, Pakistan
Vertex Industries, S.L. __________________________
Mr. Luis Caseiro
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lisbon, Portugal
Vertex Industries, S.L. __________________________
Mr. Luis Caseiro
Rambla Catalunya, 56-P. 3 PTA. 2 08007 Barcelona, Spain
Mr. Anthony Phillips
Unit 40 Conveyor Rd; Silvertondale, Pretoria 0081, South Africa
Hangtec Technology Limited Company
Mr. Thomas Wu
12FL. No. 538, Sec. 4 Jong North; Rd. Taipei/Beitou, Taiwan Bildquelle der Flaggen